the premier basic education school of future leaders and entrepreneurs who are globally competitive, God-fearing, and ready for life.
committed to
provide a caring learning environment that will develop every child’s potentials and talents to the fullest through an updated and innovative curriculum responsive to the needs of time.
produce productive and responsible high school graduates equipped with knowledge, skills, and character to live a happy life.
believes in being
Magaling (Excellent) We put in our best effort in every task and work for continuous improvement. We strive for our personal best, rather than compete against one another for the highest grade in class. We give our best in everything we do until it will be a part of our system and develop APMI’s culture of excellence.
Malikhain (Creative) We are inventive and open to new ideas. We imagine possibilities and make them real. We find ways to improve any given situation.
Marunong Mamuno (Leader) We show self – discipline, responsibility, honesty, and a sense of purpose in every action. We exude confidence, reliability, enthusiasm, and perseverance in any given task. We make good choices in any situation, stand up for morals, and resist social pressure to do wrong.
Makadiyos (Pious) We express our own spiritual beliefs while respecting others as we show adherence to the truth. We do respect our parents, elders, teachers, and persons in authority.
Makatao (Humanitarian) We are sensitive to individual, social, and cultural differences and initiates or joins activities that show care for less fortunate people in the community. We are kind, helpful, and sympathetic to those in need and practice good manners and etiquette.
Makabansa (Patriotic) We show pride in being a Filipino and exercise the rights and responsibilities of a Filipino citizen.
Makakalikasan (Environment Friendly) We care for the environment and utilize resources wisely and economically as we show environmental awareness and encourage others to do the same.